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General Features

Hero Window


Behviour Button

Toggle all heroes between:

  • Guard
  • Avoid Combat
  • Attack


All heroes will be flagged to your current position every ~800ms. Hence, its much easier to run through enemies with your heroes. While running, your heroes with fall back will cast the skill after each other.


All heroes target will be set to the players target. Also, for all mesmer heroes, they will cast ESurge on that target.


Smart features are:

  • BiP the player regardless of the weapon when he is on low energy (below 30% or below 15 energy)
  • ST: Use Shelter and Union when in fight if not already present
  • Use SoS when in fight if not all three spirits are already present
  • Use splinter weapon and honor of strngth on the player if he is melee attacker
  • Immediatly shatter important hexes on the player
  • For melee: Empathy etc.
  • For caster: Backfire etc.
  • Immediatly remove important conditions on the player
  • For melee: blindness
  • For caster: Dazed